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Explore our range of online courses 

for holistic living! From stress management to relationship enhancement, we've got you covered. Need personalized guidance? Drop us a text for one-on-one coaching options. Let's journey towards wellness together!

  • Welcome to our holistic online courses, where you have the opportunity to enhance every aspect of your life in a transformative journey. Picture this: a daily routine tailored to honor your precious time, allowing you to prioritize self-care and unlock your fullest potential.

  • Discover the power of stretching to not only increase flexibility but also to balance your body's energy, leaving you feeling invigorated and revitalized. Learn why avoiding coffee, sugar, and dairy products can have profound effects on your well-being, and explore the wonders of a holistic diet filled with nutrient-rich foods that nourish your body from the inside out.

  • Take control of your skincare and cleaning routines with natural, non-toxic products that promote health and sustainability. Dive into breathing techniques and guided meditation practices to quiet the mind, reduce stress, and cultivate a deep sense of inner peace.

  • Experience the healing vibrations of sound bath therapy as you release tension, balance energy, and restore harmony to your body and mind. Our stress-release techniques and strategies for overcoming obstacles will empower you to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

  • Unlock the secrets of Qi Gong, chakra balancing, self-love, and self-confidence as you release past traumas and learn to live fully in the present moment. Each step of this journey is an invitation to embrace your true potential and live a life of vitality, purpose, and joy. Are you ready to embark on this incredible journey of holistic transformation?

Unleash Your Full Potentials: Dive into Holistic Wellness

Upcoming Events

Join us for our upcoming live holistic course!

Register now and save! Use code "FIRSTSTEP" for $60 off, and get the course for just $19.99. Limited time offer. Sign up today!

Ready to transform your life? Say goodbye to stress, frustration, and exhaustion. Start your journey to holistic wellness today and unlock your full potential! Take action now and experience a life filled with vitality and joy!

Become One with Us

Receive Monthly Guided Meditation, Sound Bath, Chakra Balancing, Positive Affirmation, Motivation, with our Subscription.

Choose your pricing plan

Find one that works for you

  • 1.) Red Package / Monthly Subscription

    Every month
    1 download per week
     7 day free trial
    • Choose the topic you interested the most.
    • Enjoy the benefit of 4 session each month.
  • 2.) Green Package / Monthly Subscription

    Every month
    Receive two sessions each week!
     7 day free trial
    • Choose your favorite topic!
    • Receive 8 sessions a month!
    • Enjoy the benefits of our sessions!
  • Free Sound Bath Included

    3.) Purple Package/Monthly Subscription

    Every month
    8 session +free sound bath/month
     3 day free trial
    • Choose unlimited topics!
    • 8 downloads monthly!
    • 1 Live sound bath session/month

Auto-Renewal Disclaimer: By subscribing to our monthly service, you acknowledge and agree to our automatic renewal policy. Your subscription will automatically renew on a monthly basis, and your chosen payment method will be charged accordingly unless you cancel your subscription before the renewal date. You can manage your subscription, including canceling or modifying it, by accessing your account settings. Please note that failure to cancel your subscription before the renewal date will result in automatic renewal and subsequent charges. We will notify you in advance of any upcoming renewals, providing you with an opportunity to make changes to your subscription if desired. Thank you for choosing our service.

Sound and Frequency

Begin Your Journey with Us

When you open your heart to unconditional love and experience balance and harmony, you will be in the best place in your life and won't stray from the path. 

I wish you a joyful journey from all my heart!

Love, Gabriella

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